The procedure generally lasts from one to three hours. You can expect to go home after the procedure unless other medical conditions complicate recovery.

Full recovery may take several weeks. Dry blood, mucus, and crusting in the nose will occur and may result in symptoms like a severe cold or sinus infection. It is important to begin nasal irrigations with distilled water starting the day after surgery. Gently flush out each side of your nose twice a day starting the day after surgery. This will help clean the clots from your nose and prevent scarring after surgery. Proper post-operative care is essential to prevent scar formation and allow normal healing. This requires regular visits back to your surgeon for endoscopic cleaning. Generally speaking, your first visit back is the most difficult, and you may need someone with you to drive home after the visit.

Things to Do

  • Take pain medicines as prescribed, including Tylenol
  • Take antibiotics, if prescribed
  • Take sleeping medication if needed: Ambien 10mg – one pill before bedtime, as needed
  • Call the clinic to make your next post-op appointment
  • Start your nasal irrigations the day after surgery
  • Sneeze or cough with your mouth open
  • Eat a regular diet
  • Take your pain medicines before your first post-operative appointment

Things NOT to Do

  • Any heavy activity, including lifting children and exercise for 1 week
  • Blow or pick at your nose
  • Take aspirin or aspirin-containing medicines (ex. Advil, Motrin, or any other NSAIDS)
  • Fly without your doctor’s clearance 3-5 days after surgery

Call Dr. Oh immediately if any of the following occur:

  1. Change in vision
  2. Increased swelling around the eyes
  3. Neck stiffness or deep head pain
  4. Continued nausea or vomiting
  5. Bright red blood that lasts more than 10 minutes, or causes choking
  6. Fever over 101 degrees